Misplaced Priority in the White House

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Misplaced priority in the Bush's Administration

According to KPIX, a sister affiliate of CBS, the cost of the war in Iraq is staggering. It is estimated that the Bush's administration spends 6 billion dollars monthly to fight this war. Bush has still not explained to the world his justification for invading Iraq in the first place. After spinning around that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, he backtracked his comments later on, after news reports surfaced that there was indeed no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. I have to ponder about the priorities of the current administration. Budget cuts, affecting nearly all the classes in the society, except for the nouveau riche has been enforced so that Iraq would be rebuilt. School fees have risen astronomically nationwide and today's generation are now faced with school loans that may take decades to pay off. The job market is still in doldrums and with the aftermath of the hurricane in New Orleans, one wonders if the situation will ever get better.

What I have come to realize is that the current administration is quick to thump the Bible as its leading foundation, while ignoring some of the basic tenets of the Christian religion. Jesus Christ, on His earthly mission was an advocate of the poor and the downtrodden. In today's world, education is the key that opens doors of opportunities for people. But with school fees now out of reach even for the middle class in some states, it appears that the American dream would continue to elude some of her citizens. How can this administation justify spending 6 billion dollars a month in rebuilding Iraq while ignoring the deplorable amenities and facilities in America? The very funds that could be used in restructuring our schools and New Orleans are funneled into building Iraq. But charity should begin at home!!! Aside from the toll that the war has taken on families of loved ones serving in Iraq - divorces, deaths in the family, stress- our national debt is over 8 trillion dollars and ticking. Bush has imperilled the future of most Americans with his misplaced priorities and needs to be stopped before our nation is bankrupt.




At 5:13 PM, Blogger David said...

Good points, I like that you did something political

At 10:54 PM, Blogger Sammy Opeyemi said...

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